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My first treatment with Laura was Reiki with Hands on Healer Rock Girl Foundation Treatment, which was amazing.  I felt so energized yet relaxed.  My mood was high and happy.  I felt energy moving throughout my body while tensions eased.

Laura’s Chakra Balancing and Auric Cleansing Treatment was also very powerful for me.  Afterwards I felt calmer, more relaxed and centered. She is extremely professional with in-depth knowledge of the crystals and stones.  Laura is very gentle, friendly and explained everything to me before she started.

I have also had a Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reading that was so very accurate. The reading was exactly what I was feeling deep down inside. I believe Laura is a gifted healer and I recommend her highly.”​​​​​​​

Rena S. Fata

“I’ve noticed a significant difference in my relationship with my husband since we made some spatial adjustments to our Master Bedroom and added a few specific elements that Rhonda suggested. Our space is much less cluttered and I honestly feel like I’m on vacation when I set foot in that room. I can’t wait to start working on other areas of the house.”

Tina, Central Florida

"Laura Carucci was a godsend to my family at a most difficult time. My mother became suddenly terminally ill. We were advised to consider hospice. My mother, being a private person, requested that we keep her condition from extended family and friends. We were

quite distraught over the situation. Laura initially helped us in providing Reiki services. We disclosed the fact that our mother was not a "religious" person and as she became more ill we noticed she would stare at the doorway to her room or beyond us looking completely terrified. We were afraid that demons were coming into her room trying to take her. Laura informed us that since my mom was in a hospice, where many people had passed on, it may just be other souls that resided in the room visiting from the other side. Since our mother was a private person she could have been alarmed by the strangers in the room. Laura performed a space clearing of the room requesting all to leave, except for those who were to accompany my mother and comfort her through her transition. Laura also placed stones in the room to help. We were amazed that from that moment forward my mother no longer looked beyond us and was no longer afraid. She passed peacefully with loved ones surrounding her three days later. We requested that Laura come back to the hospice when our Mother passed so that we would be sure she was no longer lingering in the room and also so that she could once again clear the space. We will be forever thankful for her blessed help at our most trying time."​​​​​​​

Jan P.

"I wanted to thank you so much for you feng shui advice.It really has worked miracles. Ever since I took your advice it has been pretty much raining men! And better yet raining vegan men ( I am a vegan who has been looking for a vegan guy for a long time). I am sold!"


"Laura Carucci made it possible for me to continue my studies in medical school. I was very stressed and contemplating leaving the program. My mom suggested a Feng Shui consultation. Laura came to my apartment and showed me what I needed to clear out of my space that was causing me stress. I had a bit of clutter in areas of the apartment that were creating blockages. She also made recommendations for my bedroom to help with sleep. She gave me crystals to use for distressing and to help with studying for tests. I am now in my last year of medical school. I will be forever grateful for the services Laura provided. I would highly recommend a Feng Shui consultation with Laura."​​​​​​​

Ann P.

"I talked to you on Saturday afternoon, and whined about not being able to find the car I wanted.  You told me to write down everything I wanted in my new car and to be specific.  Then take the written list, wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in a small tin box.  I was then to place it in my 'helpful people' spot in my house, which was the far right corner.  In my case it was my dining room. I did just that.


On Sunday afternoon, we decided to go to one last Hyundai dealership, and test drove one that had the color of leather seats and interior that I wanted.  I really liked this one, but it was not the exterior color I had my heart set on getting.  The sales manager said that he would check on Monday to see if anyone of the dealers he could trade with had the exterior color and would be willing to trade for the one he had, but he was not very optimistic at all that he would be able to find one in the color I wanted.

Well, the sales manager called to say that on Monday morning, a truck arrived on his lot and unloaded not one but two 2012 Santa Fe’s in the exterior color I wanted.  This delivery was totally unexpected by him.  So Monday afternoon, we went to see these.  One was a 4 cylinder with exactly everything I wanted including a nav system and back-up camera.  The other one was a 6 cylinder but without these two options.  I test drove each, and decided that I really wanted to stay with a 6 cylinder.  We had previously learned that we could have the nav system and back-up camera installed in this one.  Before we left the dealer, I had purchased my brand new 2012 Santa Fe with everything I wanted on it.

When we got back home, I retrieved the tin box containing my list and reviewed it with my husband. The only thing I had left off the specific list was that I had wanted a 6 cylinder.
I believe this is why I had the choice of the two vehicles so I could test drive each and make an informed decision.  Thank you again for your wonderful guidance and advice."


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"I had Laura do a Feng Shui consult because my dog was gravely ill. She created a crystal grid for my dog that helped immensely! I've also had Laura do a space clearing for me and would highly recommend her! She puts her heart into her work and really cares about her clients." 

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Bridgett Scarpone 

"I work in a small office, and in the last year we have had several tragedies and negative experiences that have taken a toll on everyone. From the passing of a co-worker's spouse, the devastating health diagnosis of another co-worker's baby and recently, the tragic suicide of a very loved, long time co-worker; the energy in our office has become very heavy to say the least. No more chit chat. No more laughter. No more "good morning's"from anyone. 

Shortly ofter the passing of our co-worker, I asked Laura to come in and do a thorough cleansing. It was clear from the moment she started that she knew her craft well and, she even took the time to make some Feng Shui suggestions. 

Since her visit, the shift in energies has been clearly felt. We no longer walk around with our heads down anymore. We are interacting and joking around again. Work is no longer a burden to be endured and, we even hired a new employee. 

I cannot stress enough how grateful we are for Laura's help. She has lightened our load, brought us hope, and has turned us all towards the positive again."

Rania Cistemas

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"Laura has performed Reiki and Chakra Balancing with Auric Cleansing on me. She also informed me how to use and place crystals in my home and work space for optimum effect. Laura also has helped me with Feng Shui when we moved. She seems to have a lot of knowledge in her craft and will back it up with articles that she emails me. I know that when things start feeling chaotic I need to focus on the tools that were given o me and things will calm again."

Laurie Macchio-O'Donnell

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