Feng Shui Home and Office
Feng Shui is the practice of understanding how the energy in your living spaces affect the quality of your lives. It is sometimes called “the art of placement". It helps one understand and improve the quality of life by arranging your living space to create a comfortable living environment that support your goals and aspirations.
Card Reading
Oracle cards are an ancient and time-honored way to connect with Heaven and your angels. Based upon Pythagorean Numerology, numbers and images all vibrate in a very precise, mathematical manner. We use the cards to guide you towards what really matters in life and get you in touch with what your soul needs you to know.
Life, Soul, & Empowerment Coaching
Coaching, from an experienced professional, can be just the tool you need to break out of your existing pattern, or see your way to the next level of your dream. We specialize in Holistic Life Coaching, Soul Coaching, and Empowerment Coaching. Let us help guide you to be the happiest, healthiest, best version of yourself.
We are "Red Ribbon Members" of the International Feng Shui Guild.
We also offer energy work and clearings, blessing ceremonies, crystals, cards, stones, and empowerment coaching!
We'd love to help you!
Do you have that one room in your home or office that you walk into then back out slowly and close the door behind you never to visit again??? Well, we have all had the experience at least one time in our lives. Rhonda experienced that in her home and decided to do something about it! She started to learn the principles of Feng Shui and implemented them in her environment. She also used those same principles in her business as a Human Resources Consultant and witnessed amazing results. Rhonda felt like she struck gold and incorporated the principles of Feng Shui in everything she did. Her passion “make your home worthy of you” has been her mantra ever since.
Rhonda Rosa is now a Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®, Red Ribbon Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild®, Life Coach and Angel Intuitive Oracle Card Reader. Rhonda is available for Feng Shui consultations, Space Clearing, Angel Card Oracle Readings, Life Coaching, workshops and lectures.
Harmony Life Design has been in business for over 25 years, providing clients with a variety of services from creating beautiful 'spaces' using Feng Shui, Energy Balancing, Space Clearing, even Coaching and Card Readings, as well as other healing, grounding, and empowerment modalities, all designed to give you the best life -- a life of harmony! Our team is led by Laura Carucci and Rhonda Rosa.
Laura offers her clients a synergistic blend of holistic modalities, enabling a truly unique and individualized experience. Laura utilizes Feng Shui, Cluttering Clearing, Blessing and Space Clearing Ceremonies for your home or office space. Blending in personal services of Reiki, The Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment, Energy Balancing with the Frequency of Stones; Chakra Balancing and Auric Cleansing services; and Soul Couching Oracle Card Readings services to balance and synchronize you and your spaces.
Whether you are seeking holistic services for yourself, your loved ones, your home or office environment, Laura will tailor her services to empower you to achieve your desired goals.
Laura us also available for lectures and workshops on a variety of topics including Feng Shui Basics, Reiki, Wire Wrapping and Chakra Balancing.
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Have you ever used the Bagua Map or 'Feng Shui' to balance all nine areas of your life to create optimum energy and flow?

Create a life, home, or office that makes you feel your best! Explore your possibilities with Harmony Life Design.
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